
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside

January in Boston = Cold

As you are dodging snow banks and icy spots on the sidewalk, it's easy to think to yourself, "self, what is wrong with you?  It's 29° out here.  You could be watching Jersey Shore in your cozy living room.  There's lots of unfinished business between the ladies of the house and Deena is definitely going to add to the trainwreck-nicity that makes the show so great."  (I tend to ramble and make up words when I talk to myself.) But this is what I've signed up for.  Unfortunately, you have to get through January to make it to April.

We've had two snowstorms so far, so Micah and I finally broke down and joined a gym.  Planet Fitness at Porter Square.  I can get there by walking, driving or public transportation so there is officially no excuse for skipping trainings now.  And now I have equipment readily available to start training for the Tough Mudder 2 weeks after the marathon.  It's not a 26.2 mile race, but there is mud and toughness involved so I need to be ready.  I was really excited walking into the gym because I noticed that each treadmill had its own tv.  There are only about 15 channels to choose from, but it beats staring at the timer for an entire run.  However, I ended up running a 12 minute mile pace because going faster made the screen bounce.  A girl can't watch Kind of Queens and Adventures of Old Christine on a shaky screen.  To remedy the situation, I moved to a bike.  Technically Wednesday is cross training day so this justified my move.  All I can say is I hope I get better about running in front of a tv.  I'm not sure if I will make it outside for an 11 mile run this Saturday and based on my first run at Planet Fitness, it will take me the entire day to watch tv/run. 

For the record, I never watch either of these shows.  I only cared because they were on.

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