
Friday, November 19, 2010

Daylight Savings Time

It's starting to feel like winter.  I went to City Sports the other day and purchased things like "base layers" and "running gloves" (I'm not really sure how running gloves differ from other gloves, but I bought them anyway because I feel like it'll make me look more like an athlete). Now all I need is to remind myself that when I get home from work I should probably go for a run instead of immediately climbing in bed. 

About the time I should have really been gearing up for the half marathon we ran Sunday, it was time to fall back an hour.  Which means it is pitch dark by about 5:30.  Darkness = Bedtime.  Bedtime ≠ Running.

The half marathon went well.  Probably would have been better if I had run more the two weeks before but Micah and I finished within our time goal, so we were happy.  I do want to note here that the half marathon started and ended at Newton South High School, which means we had to loop around and run the same three miles at the beginning and end of the race.  Listen up, Grandpas, because you'll only hear this once.  You were right, it can happen.  WE RAN UPHILL BOTH WAYS.  Literally.  I saw the 10 mile mark and thought "oh, this is a piece of cake.  The whole first half of the race was uphill so we'll just be flying down the hills and be finished in no time."  Fail.

Anyway, we had our first Running for Cover team meeting this week and I was discussing my early darkness dilemma with a teammate.  His immediate response was, "you should run in the morning."  I responded with "yea, I would, but, you know, I have to be to work by 6:30 so it's kind of impossible."  And he said, "oh yea, me too, I wake up at 4:00 AM every day."  WHAT????  The only time I ever see 4am is when I wake up having to use the bathroom.  And  I usually lay in bed for 10-15 minutes doing a cost/benefit analysis of whether it is worth getting out of bed for.  Like maybe I could hold it for another 5 hours or so.  No way.  So on Monday when you get home from work and it looks like nighttime outside, give me a call and tell me to get off my butt and go for a run. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing! And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one doing a cost/benefit analysis of going to the bathroom. Mine takes a little longer because I have to go all the way downstairs...
