
Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Golden Arches of the Finish Line

Sometimes I think my body is beginning to reject this whole running thing.  I'm not talking about the sometimes achy joints and sore muscles.  That comes with the territory.  No, I'm talking about my diet.  You would think all this running would make my body crave healthy, protein and carb-filled foods.  Nope.  Not even a little bit.  I want Chipotle, Diet Coke, and ice cream on a daily basis.  I am weak-willed, so my craving for Chipotle is constantly getting the better of me.  It's gotten so bad that the cashier at our neighborhood Chipotle refers to us as her "favorite couple" and the guy who puts our order together jokes that the guac is like our crack and an intervention is near in our future.  Should we be embarrassed?  Probably.  Will we be back tomorrow?  Absolutely.

We finally made it to the Hyannis Half Marathon - the right place, right time, right weekend, and everything! (Sunday Morning).  We had a delicious pre-race pasta meal the night before and a heart-healthy breakfast that we downed on our way to the Cape (complete with oatmeal and a peanut butter and banana sandwich - yum!).  Despite the snow/sleet that pelted us throughout the race, it was a wonderful run.  Micah and I were both at our best and we shaved 6 minutes off our previous half marathon time!  I even had enough energy saved up to kick it up a notch in the last few feet and beat Micah by a second.  There were professional photographers at the finish line who were able to capture this moment, solidifying my suspicion that I looked like a complete dork in those final seconds.  But I won, daggnabit, and that's all that matters.  After the race, we entered the expo where they were serving the usual bagels, bananas, granola bars, etc but also included some chowder and vegetable soup to help warm up the runners.  As we walked around from booth to booth, waiting for our official time to be posted, Micah looked at me and said "you know what really sounds good right now?"  Without hesitation, I answered "McDonalds?"  He answered "yes, absolutely.  That's exactly what I was going to say."  I don't think we have ever loved one another more than we did at that exact moment.  We gathered our free shirts and water and scampered to the car, desperate for some McNuggets and fries.  Is this our bodies telling us that while we may refer to ourselves as runners (term used loosely), we can never escape our deeply-rooted love for fast food and things that can be deep fried?  Why wouldn't I want to replenish nutrients and energy after a run instead of craving further depletion of my resources?  Perhaps my body thinks this whole running thing is actually a search for pain, and if pain is what I seek then pain is what it will give me.  Regardless, the McNuggets were a delight and nothing will ever beat a large fry and a large Diet Coke on the side.  Now, pass the salt and get out of the way of the TV.  Jersey Shore is on. 

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